The True Purpose of Meditation | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman
The True Purpose of Meditation | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman
Dr. Sam Harris shares with Dr. Andrew Huberman the true purpose of meditation.
Dr. Sam Harris is the author of multiple best-selling books and is a world-renowned public-facing intellectual on meditation, consciousness, free will, psychedelics and neuroscience. He is also the creator of Waking Up and the host of the Making Sense podcast. Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the Huberman Lab podcast.
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I just realised that Andrew Huberman is just a reincarnation of Plato. Like if you agree
P. S.
Rust Cohle would agree
Ew why is Sam Harris is a weirdo
I clicked for meditation got gaytheist theory instead
What, what, whaaat? Was that in english?
The most rudimentary explanation is: the “self” you feel like or what you are calling “I” doesn’t actually exist. It’s just the product of thought. Meditation is not about getting rid of it, meditation is about recognizing that it was never there to begin with. You can’t get rid of something if it’s not there. Once you no longer have a “self” to cling to, everything is open and free.
For me Buteyko slow and light deep breathing exercise is far better than mediation while it comes to strss.
Like this if you DO understand. 🧘♂️🪞🌌⚛️⚕️
This dude is yapping
I had pain in my stomach last night, and I didn’t know how to inform my stomach to stop doing whatever was going on.
I agree with @Achindia 💯 %. Why does he make it so complicated to understand.
I Love You All!
Meditaion is a farce. Just take a nap and get back to work.
i get it
Interesting concept. I have come across Eckhart Tolle mention something similar in his book The Power Of Now. He mentions that we are not the body nor the mind. I have also heard an Indian spiritual guru named Sadhguru mentions this.
Glad I’m not the only one who didn’t really get this!! xD
No one’s talking about demons waiting to snatch a new body when you float out of it but the devil worshipers know this. Don’t do it kids!
Arjun Tea from Planet Ayurveda has been a game-changer for my stress levels. Highly recommend it!
A whole lot of nonsense
do you have the right to wonder more than 15min.?
he is speaking english.. but not the one i understand.. man needs to work on his skills to connect with an audience
why does he have 2 cups…why?
So the self is illusory so give all your money to other people, don’t be selfish 😅
I could argue that destroying/dissolving our sense of self and ego can be bad for practical and survival purposes in this earthly world
So basically he is saying that self doesn’t exist and It’s just an illusion. That is so counter intuitive and depressing. As a theist i can easily explain subjective experience through soul. But because sam harris is a materliast and consciousness isn’t something that can be empirically verified that’s why he is calling it illusion.
I lost myself in meditation, i did it to find myself and understand, but it got me more lost bc i was asking an unknown source for it. I can identify when i set limits for myself i can feel my soul and god. But meditating made me be nobody and i saw that is possible to lose yourself if you want to. So I’m actually really puzzled about if meditating has any sort of benefit. To be honest i feel like it’s a scam. Like a drug
I feel like i need some guidance in this
I have no idea what he’s talking about
I cannot understand, when I try to meditate I feel more drown to past trauma
How to meditate? I fall sleep trying to
I love that he has 2 coffee mugs in front of him! I love the content!! ❤
It’s painful listening to some people talk circles around Meditation. The true and highest purpose of Meditation (focused concentration on God) is to connect with God at the highest level and to accelerate Spiritual develop[ment (7 Spiritual Grade Levels acknowledged in the Bible and holy books).
He gets to his point at 04:34 🙄
"Heed these words, you who wish to probe the depths of Nature: If you do not find within your Self that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the wonders of your own House, how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the Treasure of Treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods." –Oracle of Delphi
"Feeling so much more relaxed since I started drinking Arjun Tea. Thank you, Planet Ayurveda!"
Not to know that you have a spirit or a soul is idiotic to me regardless of your scientific jargon.
Meditate on what?
Complete Nothing Burger, dont waste your time watching this crap, carry on living while you can, meditation can’t give you anything, or course there is an "I"and a "you" meditation is basically over thinking until you ignore your thinking, you will still exist, which in itself proves that there is a you, whether its thinking in that moment or not, q body is needed to sustain the awareness of not thinking. Talks like this are a complete waste of time and life unless you want to give yourself depression.
Sam Harris had a great conversation with Swami Sarvapriyananda about Vedanta and Nonduality. I would love to see Andrew and Jordan Peterson have a conversation with Swami Sarvapriyananda as well.
Enough ….. I ll meditate…
If You are conscious there is self if there is only unconsciousness there is no self. I see that Sam have agenda to push here. I believe we need to re-do this podcast with different guest regards this topic.
I love this man.I am a Muslim.But this man even as an atheist is amazing.I love his content and completely understand him
He said a whole lot of nothing.
What the heck is he talking about? It sounds like he was saying that discovering for a fact that your mind and body are 1 and you arent a soul inhabitimg a body is more beneficial than the focus, memory and stress inhibiting benefits. Hes basically says that he believes most people experience life as essentially separated from the body (a computer that controls the robot body but exist outside of it). Almost like the body snd brain can died but we can continue on after. I dont know how finding out there’s nothing after this can be better than strengthening your mind body connection so you can make your body to more of the stuf you intend it to do.
so interesting !
i clicked on this for the same reason everyone does. But, when i saw Sam Harris’ face I lost all confidence. He is the individual who recently claimed that the entire RussiaGate hoax was rightfully necessary to ensure Trump would not be elected for a second term. Trump was a divisive polarising figure, clearly not fit for purpose. But Sam Harris believes it’s necessary to deceive people who he evidently assumes aren’t smart enough to draw their own conclusions by looking at the bare facts. Yet, here he is speaking to the virtues of meditation, which to the best of my knowledge does not align with his type of behaviour/conduct. I’ll take my inspiration to meditate from elsewhere thank you.
Way to confusing !
This clip is from the Huberman Lab episode "Dr. Sam Harris: Using Meditation to Focus, View Consciousness & Expand Your Mind." The full episode can be found on YouTube here:
It’s interesting how my logical reckoning of his language is sound regardless of the circumstance, yet I wouldn’t actually understand what he said in this video had I not experienced it myself.
Meditation is the biggest placebo in medical history