What is Reiki? | A Short Film

What is Reiki? | A Short Film I was inspired to create a film that answered the simple question, β€œWhat is Reiki?” So often I’ve tried to explain the subtleties of energy work but words never seem to completely describe the experience. However, seeing Reiki in action allows you to better visualize the depth of…

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Stress Management Techniques, Healthy Coping Strategies, Breathing Exercise

Stress Management Techniques, Healthy Coping Strategies, Breathing Exercise This Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) Disaster Technical Assistance (DTAC) video provides tips for Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP) staff on self-care and boundaries between survivors and CCP staff. It is meant to help staff understand the personal impact of working with disaster…

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TOP 7 TIPS: How to transition to a gluten-free life

TOP 7 TIPS: How to transition to a gluten-free life In this video, I give my top 7 tips for transitioning to a gluten-free life. Whether you have Celiac Disease, a gluten intolerance, a gluten allergy, or have been prescribed a gluten-free diet, these are the tips I wish I had when I was first…

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5 Signs You Have Emotional Trauma (And How To Heal)

5 Signs You Have Emotional Trauma (And How To Heal) There are many causes of trauma. Examples of things that could cause trauma include childhood trauma, sexual abuse, gang violence, war, terrorist events, and physical abuse. The list of what can cause trauma goes on. In this video, we talk about emotional trauma healing, mental…

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Benefits of Physical Therapy Wellness Checks

Benefits of Physical Therapy Wellness Checks Dr. Sarah Thompson, physical therapist, talks about the benefits of consulting with your physical therapist annually about your health and wellness. Your physical therapist can not only help you after injuries, but help guide you in injury prevention.

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