I just watched a video recently, where he explained which salts were the cleanest when it comes to heavy metals and Redmonds real salt was actually filled with heavy metals to my surprise. Diamond crystal salt was the absolute cleanest one. I found a big box of it at Meijer grocery store for $6
Let’s go bro no seed oils and no chemicals that will make you sick (excess calories is the main way this happens tho) in all that food man. This is the only healthy and natural and ancestral way to eat man. No one is doing it better then you 😂
What are your thoughts on filtered water bottles like the “life straw” I have one, and I’m not really concerned about the drinking water anywhere because I always use my bottle which has a built in filter.
I dont get why people preach the plastic thing, even though he eats healthy, its all in plastic. Also organic is just a scam to over price everything. We all wash fruit before we eat so it really doesnt matter. But this whole dont eat anything in plastic is crazy cause half the stuff he just bought is in plastic.
@weknowhisvoice9296on December 17, 2024 at 5:21 pm
❤❤Turn to Jesus people, he died for your sins. Repent of what the New testament describes as sin. Believe the gospel get baptized and obey the teachings of Jesus. The gospel and the teachings of Jesus are documented in Matthew Mark Luke and John. Jesus is the only way to be saved, if you have faith in Jesus through your faith you will live by his teachings. God bless ❤❤
Would you be able to show a haul in Michigan for like 200$ max. It seems near impossible to find organic of almost anything and I live in a city area. Raw milk is also illegal here unless it’s heard share. And though we have decent local farmers markets Michigan has a higher percentage of glyphosate in our produce then most other states. I feel like I’m fighting an uphill battle here.
I understand true organic is better health wise but what about fake labeled organic food. One can easily be fooled by grocery stores depending their morals.
@BlackBeardsDelight338on December 17, 2024 at 5:45 pm
If you’re ever in central Texas, check out Pure Pastures. They have the milk and organs. Honey, home made noodles. Beef, bison, pork, lamb, Greek yogurt they got it all. It’s all from their farm.
I just watched a video recently, where he explained which salts were the cleanest when it comes to heavy metals and Redmonds real salt was actually filled with heavy metals to my surprise. Diamond crystal salt was the absolute cleanest one. I found a big box of it at Meijer grocery store for $6
Damn my shopping spree looks exactly same now. Thank you for all the information you put out. Truly has changed my life.
Dried apricot is trash
Your huge 😮massive
Dried fruit👎
Otherwise 👍
Haha why not just not use salt in your food. Isnt Himalayan salt better? plus zero microplastics in it
Viva tiquicia
Aloha, I taught you were carnivore. Do you really eat bananas, grapes, apples or fruits in general
Hiya! Do you eat 80/20 how do you eat please do you have a video on what you eat in a day.
Show us the bill.
What exactly do you use the cream for? Just strait cream with honey/syrup mixed?
Let’s go bro no seed oils and no chemicals that will make you sick (excess calories is the main way this happens tho) in all that food man. This is the only healthy and natural and ancestral way to eat man. No one is doing it better then you 😂
Find a local farm. Thats what I did
…and just a bit of cocaine? Maybe?
That’s way too much sugar!
What about sour cream instead of normal cream
For getting reverse osmosis water, I would suggest getting the water at Starbucks and bringing your own glass container
These videos are like a family friendly version of liver king
What are your thoughts on filtered water bottles like the “life straw” I have one, and I’m not really concerned about the drinking water anywhere because I always use my bottle which has a built in filter.
Two ribeyes? What do you do tomorrow?
Seems more fruit based than animal based
Is the low micro plastic sea salt packaged in plastic?
Dude, what are you on???
I love how u eat
Stop eating ribeyes. They are 1% of the animal. Eating ribeyes supports factory farming whether grass fed or not
You forgot bull ballsack
Whole paycheck
I dont get why people preach the plastic thing, even though he eats healthy, its all in plastic. Also organic is just a scam to over price everything. We all wash fruit before we eat so it really doesnt matter. But this whole dont eat anything in plastic is crazy cause half the stuff he just bought is in plastic.
Dried fruit is full of sugar
9 million dollars later
❤❤Turn to Jesus people, he died for your sins. Repent of what the New testament describes as sin. Believe the gospel get baptized and obey the teachings of Jesus. The gospel and the teachings of Jesus are documented in Matthew Mark Luke and John. Jesus is the only way to be saved, if you have faith in Jesus through your faith you will live by his teachings. God bless ❤❤
I had a video stating that plant foods will kill you! What changes now? You look so frail nowadays!
Would you be able to show a haul in Michigan for like 200$ max. It seems near impossible to find organic of almost anything and I live in a city area. Raw milk is also illegal here unless it’s heard share. And though we have decent local farmers markets Michigan has a higher percentage of glyphosate in our produce then most other states. I feel like I’m fighting an uphill battle here.
grass fed/finished industry continues to find $UCKERS$
I just watched another video of his saying Redmond’s had significant lead in it. Which salt has low microplastics AND low lead levels?
Why call it animal based diet while half portion of your food is fruit?
I want enough money to shop the best ingredients daily lol. You’re very blessed! 💅✨
Not good salt paul
And most of that isn’t even organic. It just says it is 😂
You should talk more about water…
No family ..no kids….typical
He’s still saying “Animal based” but half of his calories are coming from plants if not more.
The guy probably paid $500
He looks likes he’s sick or just rolled out of bed
no bananas for me. once in while i’ll have fruits; i prefer apple pie or pumpkin pie for the holidays.
I understand true organic is better health wise but what about fake labeled organic food. One can easily be fooled by grocery stores depending their morals.
Whole foods does APeel tho. Natural Grocers is where it’s at
If you’re ever in central Texas, check out Pure Pastures. They have the milk and organs. Honey, home made noodles. Beef, bison, pork, lamb, Greek yogurt they got it all. It’s all from their farm.
Those 2 steaks at Whole Foods….$85 out the door.
In CA You can get raw milk at Sprouts