6 Herbs for Pain Relief ~ Self Reliance Herbal Remedies
6 Herbs for Pain Relief ~ Self Reliance Herbal Remedies
6 Herbs for Pain Relief ~ Self Reliance Herbal Remedies
****Herbs mentioned in video:
Feverfew: https://amzn.to/3VZoQ59
White Willow Bark: https://amzn.to/3WjMw5N
Clove: https://amzn.to/3XW4dJB
Rosemary: https://amzn.to/3XZfjh3
Cayenne Pepper: https://amzn.to/3y4SPk2
Seeds to grow your own:
Feverfew: https://amzn.to/3W2Jvp7
Wild Lettuce: https://amzn.to/45Y3QQV
Rosemary: https://amzn.to/4cRLcMA
Cayenne Pepper: https://amzn.to/4bE9s3N
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Video Edited by Sky The Cracker: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiv1NrRuVoN-JT6fuAborFw
All music was created by Tim Killer at Killer Sound Studio : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGHbiWMTc1zr6zjwBCDJsFg
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Anything that I do, show or discuss on this channel is my opinion, or what I do for my family. You should always do your research to decide what is right/safe for you. I have been homesteading, preserving & prepping for years, but I am not a professional in any of these fields. This channel is to help give you ideas and spark your inspirational journey in a self sufficient lifestyle.
I like your videos. Especially from minute 2:18
Feverfew, rosemary, white willow bark, Clove, cayenne pepper, wild lettuce….
This is good information to know. Thank you for sharing.
Jinny, if you could give us a heads up on which tincture you’re going to do, we could get the supplies ready. Thanks for doing this.
My sister makes nettle tincture for her immune system-she swears by it.
Good advice
We put Lions Mane in our coffee. It really does work!
I just dehydrated lots of wild lettuce. Going to do a whole lot more, too! 😉
I make white willow tincture and boy ~ it works better than aspirin & Aleve, etc. For years i was dependent on the latter for pain relief, but my White Willow tinctures work just as fast, pan relief lasts just as long without the bad side effects !
I have a rosemary tincture that I use on my hair where it is thinning. It seems to help a lot.
A video on your tinctures would be AMAZING!!! ❤️👍💪🙏🇺🇸
Clove has been a godsend for my toothache. It works when nothing else does
Looking forward to your videos on herbs, thanks for sharing this one!
Thanks Jinne
Herbs for pain relief: feverfew, rosemary, white willow bark interior), clove (teeth ache),cayenne pepper (salve), wild lettuce(white milky fluid)
Definitely on my list of important skills to learn!!
I would love to watch how you make tinctures 🎉 Thank you!!
Thank you! Looking forward to your tincture information!
Yes I did write it all down , lol , THANK YOU JINNE
Thank you but a lot us do not know how to make a tincture can you tell us how to use these herbs in more detail for us thanks. God Bless
Just had Foot Surgery, Thank you ❤
Looking forward to your how-to videos.
Papaver somniferum… The OG pain relief plant. (Its use goes back thousands of years.) Breadseed Poppy is in the somniferum family of poppies. If you enjoy using poppyseed in cooking, you can grow your own poppies for poppyseed. Just saying…
Hi. Here in Maine .One of my favorites is calendula with plantain and yarrow from the yard. I make salve great for bug bites. As well as sunburn, and much more. I’m going to try the rosemary.
Gonna be a great series. So much to learn. The manufacturing of medications (prescriptions or over the counter) has become very alarming . I know zero about home remedy I grow a few herbs but will watch and plant more.
Good video, thanks for sharing YAH bless !
Also, teasel root works for some people!
My adult son had a very bad cut that probably should have been stitched. He made a paste of cayenne pepper and colloidal silver. It stopped the bleeding and helped healing with no infection and very little scarring.
I’ve been looking all over my area (North East Texas) for Wild Lettuce. I’m sure it’s around…I just can’t find it. Looking for seeds.
Thank you Jinne! I SUFFER from Osteoarthritis and I am looking for natural remedies.
How do you make tinctures from these herbs I’ve never heard of this or know how to do this
My go to for pain is tea made from 2 rounded teaspoons ground up wild lettuce leaves, 1 of catnip or chamomile and 1 of skullcap. I can’t take an NSAID of any kind. I also can’t do capsaicin, but do keep a cayenne tincture for other people emergencies.
Thank you for this video. I learn so much from you
Thanks Jinny. I’m looking forward to hearing more.
Fantastic! I’m just becoming interested in medicinal herbs/foraging, so I’m excited for you to share your knowledge. Thank you.
Once in awhile there are videos that you wish you could give more than one thumbs-up or one heart to. This is that video ! We have wild lettuce all over our property. I never knew it was good for anything! Thank you!
And stinging nettle! Headaches, anti-histamine
I have wild ( morphine) lettuce growing all over my yard and garden area, I need to put some up for later use, will it still work if I dry it and seal it in glass jars?
Jinnie, I would LOVE to hear your book recommendations on herbal medicine. I have amassed a library of books on this. Talk about shock seeing how we have been whodoo’d by the "sorcery" people. You know….That big industry that uses a ph to spell farm? There are some nuggets in every book. Please give us your library suggestions. I love cross referencing different aliments and herbs. Just WOW! Pretty please give us some book recommendations!!! 😁
I can’t wait for your video, Thank you
Thank you! ❤
Some of the wild lettuces have a cream colored latex.
Thank you for doing the medicine videos!! This was the next area I am wanting to learn. I really appreciate it. Thank you!