5 Signs You Have Emotional Trauma (And How To Heal)
5 Signs You Have Emotional Trauma (And How To Heal)
There are many causes of trauma. Examples of things that could cause trauma include childhood trauma, sexual abuse, gang violence, war, terrorist events, and physical abuse. The list of what can cause trauma goes on. In this video, we talk about emotional trauma healing, mental health, and how to heal from emotional trauma.
We encourage that if you recognize some of these signs, that you consider professional help.
Are you emotionally wounded and don’t even know it? Here are a few signs to look out for: https://youtu.be/YBx7ZT6FIrU
Writer: Maysara Salah
Script Editor: Denise Ding
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera (www.youtube.com/amandasilvera)
Animator: Lesly
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
"Connect with others"?
Are you aware it’s 2024?
Im having fear of losing my family
, im on the moment where my father and mother is getting separated, its too much pain for me
Physical and emotional abuse, and the loss of my loved ones has crushed me. I’m trying to feel again
Wat if i subconsciously made walls that i can’t even get through. I dont have many friends at all i kinda blocked everyone bc of a ex relationship i just got out of
Ok so with the sleep schedule I can fall asleep within 3-10 minutes but I always wake up from anytime between 1 and 4 am every night. Any ideas why?
Thank you.
Lived in survival mode since I was a kid, I burn out when I engage in tasks that are productive…the emotional turmoil of everyday…I am here because a month ago I made a decision to confront the wounded side of me
The animation is beautiful
That “missing a birthday” triggered pain
Can’t forget how embarrassed humiliated mortified and traumatised I was six years ago I still play it out in my head. I disassociated pass events and didn’t think about it but was exspected to talk about it no one asked me any questions I feel so angry I was publicly shamed yes I did something wrong I understand that but I was mentally unstable and was highly judged and critersised lots of people gossiping about me rather than talk to anyone I froze believeing that everyone hated me didn’t understand me and all that they are led to believe was not how it all was I’m so full of anger and hate I feel at the gossiping opinuated people it took a way from me being able to open up . I was told though don’t dwell on what others think of you because you can’t change that you got to let it go concentrate on being your best self it’s in the past look forward but I still overthink it regardless and feel so unwell worthy
I am in serious need of help I need someone professional to talk to
Jimin military and weiding im so sad
I’m watching this because I feel so screwed. I am loved by my family and have friends but why do I always cry everytime I feced tough situation? I hate it so much
I used to write just to get my feelings out.
hi guys, I know that the comment section isn’t a professional place to ask for help. But I would love to get some advices. In 4 years I’ve been with three different guys and they were a bckstabber after the other. One was extremely possessive, the other one was narcisist and the last one cheated on me. They were my only one love expirience and now I fell robbed of my own heart. How can I still find hope in love after all these years and what could I do to make the pain go away?
I know that this was posted two year ago, but I’m hoping I can still get some guidance. Anyway, I have autism, and I hate loud noises, especially many at once. And, my dad, wanting me to have a fun time, took me a Buffalo Bills football game. He thought it would be fine, even though i piratically begged him not to take me, but he persisted and eventually got his way. It was awful. Even thinking about it now is causing me to tear up. This, along with other sensory mishaps, is why I no longer can trust my dad. I’m worried I’m just holding a grudge, or something like that, but I’m always scared around him. My mom, however, is my safe person. She understands my struggles, and if she doesn’t, she at least tries. My parents, being separated, have equal custody of me and my sister. We switch three times a week. This could be a grudge, but I’ve asked my mom, with her being the first to suggest it, that she take him back to court to try t win more custody. I miss my mom, I’m at my dad’s right now, and I wish I could see her. She is my everything. Sorry this is closer to a vent then anything, but does anyone have a suggestions on what to do?
Thank you for this. It meant a lot! Cheers!
I’m literally crying….cause i have so much childhood trauma
Been in trauma inside and outside the womb 58 years, getting through it in stages,
and thanks for the soothing voice and cute drawings 
Any group is there…where we can speak, cry, scream n console ourselves without judgement..this anxiety, depression, victim of gaslighting, people pleasing, fear of saying no .. everything is feel like a heavy burden right now n not able to carry
Sorry for the knee jerk response but I have to wonder why the video had to use the juvenile cartoon character? I was only 14 seconds into it and thought OH, C’MON already! I mean I have sat through little blue and also green frogs, but a sprout coming out of the head??
I can’t sleep, even I try to. It’s not easy feeling sad everything that i can’t overcome, I even having suicidal thoughts throughout my life
How do I know if my mother is emotionally and mentally abusing me?…
I have absolutely no one to talk to about these things and absolutely not a single friend, they either have moved or died. My husband and adult children turned their backs on me when I needed them most, my parents and 2 siblings are dead and my living siblings turned their back on me over a stupid rumour our daughter in law spread 8n out tonycommunity and all over the web. I live in a vehicle and have for over 3 yrs.
So you see I’ve absolutely not a single person for any support. Cuz I’ve been diagnosed with bpd among others.
Its probably best this way as I can go from 0 to explosive bitch in a milliseconds
Ive never taught there were people out there who know what it feels like. This is exactly how it is for me…..
Been hacked some may be so long can heal.but love I recovered he nv congratulate.i don’t like he purposely.l feel glad I hate him better than love him
3:10 is me, I just keep talking about it like it never happened, like it wasn’t even me. I just wanna pretend it’s all some sick joke.
I just don’t know why iam suffering sometimes i feel like it was a small reason to suffer but sometimes that small reason make me crying i don’t know why iam feeling sad , is it because i don’t getting anything i want or any another reason some minutes i feel happy but some minutes iam getting angry and sad even getting pityy myself iam trying to find what was the reason i just just don’t know what to do ….
sticks and stones may break my bones but words break my confidence words break my trust words they linger in my head till who I am becomes who I was they say words won’t make me bleed words won’t scrape my knees but words make me touch rock bottom drowning in my tears created seas I was a child when I first started being bullied the words started off small children being children they said I won’t remember after all but words are like tattoos permanently engraved on my being because words become beliefs once im forced to start agreeing
Currently, I’m at a difficult time.. The secton of self growth being stunted by fear really helped me.. Thank you.
Can someone be my friend
The life doesn’t heal if we think too logically always
I only exist
How do you fix the wound, if the wound is from how the world is?
I once tried physical exercise to help me with this emotional trauma (broken soul) it helped up until i stopped.
It helps with confidence in one self and i recommend
What it feels like to dying each and every seconds
I don’t know how to have fun
These are the problems but how do we heal them.
Yes I feel the trauma will never be free of me
Just curious, are the team members behind this channel licensed therapists?
I am 10 and i heb depresen and trama so it helpt
May is Mental Health Awareness month. What are some songs that inspire you and your emotional health?
I don’t like people
Hate to break this to you but some traumas never go away.
The expression on that cartoons face. That’s me exactly.
Dont worry…i m thr for u
Does disproportionately numb count? With occasional acutely overpowering and short-lived episodes of intense emotion?
Still suffering over a breakup that happened 2 years ago… i went through so much emotionally and mentally the first 6 months without him, eventually my brain shut off my emotions… it’s been 2 years since then and I still feel nothing.