The Mind-Body Interaction: Holistic Approach to Mental Health

The Mind-Body Interaction: Holistic Approach to Mental Health The Mind-Body Interaction: Holistic Approach to Mental Health LPC CEUs and LCSW CEUs are available for this presentation at AllCEUs Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Qualified Clinical Supervisor. She received her PhD in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Florida in…

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5 benefits of Mud Therapy for the eyes #wellness #naturopathy #naturecures

5 benefits of Mud Therapy for the eyes #wellness #naturopathy #naturecures Benefits of Mud therapy for the eyes 🤎feels like a soothing cold compress. 🤎Helps relax eyes 🤎good for dry eyes 🤎pulls out excess heat from the body 🤎reduced puffiness 🤎relieves from Itchiness and other allergic eye conditions Tried this at @thehealinghills_ in coimbatore #mudtherapy…

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6 Muscle Building Supplements YOU NEED!

6 Muscle Building Supplements YOU NEED! Ready to add 6 muscle building supplements to your regimen that actually get results? NEW PPL PROGRAM: FULL GYM PROGRAM: 30 DAY GARAGE PROGRAM: The first one is obvious but not for the reason that most people think and it’s creatine monohydrate. The way the supplement…

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10-Minute Guided Meditation: Self-Love | SELF

10-Minute Guided Meditation: Self-Love | SELF Join Manoj Dias, meditation teacher and co-founder and VP of Open, for a 10-minute guided meditation that prioritizes self-love. Visit the Open homepage: Follow Open on Instagram: Find Manoj Dias on Instagram: Still haven’t subscribed to Self on YouTube? ►► ABOUT SELF Daily health, fitness, beauty, style advice,…

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