What yoga does to your body and brain – Krishna Sudhir
What yoga does to your body and brain – Krishna Sudhir
Explore the ancient tradition of yoga, and discover how its blend of physical and mental exercise impacts your health.
There are many different approaches to modern yoga— though most forms have three core elements: physical postures, breathing exercises, and spiritual contemplation.This blend of physical and mental exercise is widely believed to have a unique set of health advantages. But is yoga actually beneficial to your health? Krishna Sudhir examines how this ancient tradition impacts the body and mind.
Lesson by Krishna Sudhir, directed by Zsuzsanna Kreif.
Educator’s website: https://bit.ly/KrishnaSudhir
Animator’s website: https://www.behance.net/krzsanna & https://animationworkshop.via.dk/
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51341 Bayer Harbors
I do strength training and stretches everyday and have been at it for at least 6 years now. I lost 25 kgs (97 kg to 75 kg) in 2019 after a decision to do something about obesity and this was almost in entirety by changing diet (not workout – workout remained as is for the most part).
Very few will pay attention to "Despite attempts by many researchers, it’s tough to make specific claims about yoga’s advantages. It’s unique combination of activities makes tough to determine which component is producing a specific health benefit. Additionally, yoga studies are often made up of small sample sizes… heavy reliance on self reporting makes results subjective."
I also hear so often that so and so person passed away in their 50s and 60s and then someone shares that they had been very active as a Yoga practioner for the last 15-20 years but if you take one look at their picture, you’d know they were clearly obese.
We humans tend to be driven more by trends and emotion as opposed to hard sciences. A balanced approach – some cardio for good heart and lung health, some yoga / body stretches / gymnastics for good functional strength and flexibilty and some strength training – specially to retain muscle as you grow up – is very important. But as you tell these to any "cult" behaviored individual who vows to only one specific thing – running 10k every day or hitting weights at gym every day or practicing yoga everyday or anything for that matter – they forget balance and they fight back with you with so much vigour that you feel its better to leave them alone and at the mercy of randomness that hopefully they someday figure it out by themselves than to fight with them unnecessarily.
Thank you for putting this up. Hopefully people will learn and have a more balanced approach towards overall physical (and hence mental) health.
Get FIT with These Yoga Secrets! : https://youtu.be/9KaVK6l-VaI?si=zRFPgSp-g0aedGKb
Yoga with Kassandra anyone
3:43 Thank you for Sharing 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Thing is you get everything in yoga when you don’t have a desire for result
May the higher self guide you
Beautiful video
Does yoga actually help in weight loss though?
This was really interesting, but I’ve had a bad experience with yoga in the past. Instead of feeling relaxed, it made me more stressed—I just couldn’t get into it, and it felt like more pressure than peace. I much prefer going to the gym, where I can release energy and clear my mind in a way that works for me. Yoga might be great for some people, but it’s just not for me!
Such a beautiful animation!! Thanks por this video
We found that our regular yoga practice increases creativity too
India really has very rich culture and land ❤
926 Enid Extensions
And ironically it’s still a topic to fight about in our Muslims backward communities
It’s tough to do studies on yoga because pharmaceutical companies are profitable and society is capitalist.
Surya kriya x shambhavi mahamudra every morning☀️🧘♂️📿
This is about “Modern Postural Yoga”. The word “yoga” means something entirely different! 😊
Did somebody say "yoga"??? 🤨
I’m interested in the journey/difficulty of how do studies or try explain/prove the effects/benefits of things that people can attest to on individual levels so clearly. Thanks for the video, and kind of cool to see how much of the brain and the body is still a mystery to us!
Jóga 🚫⛔‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Mera to yoga ka exam h kal to padne aa gya par ye alag he chemistry pdha rha h 😅😅
When I practice yoga, I feel energized and uplifted throughout the day. There’s a deep sense of happiness that radiates from within, helping me stay grounded in the present moment and fully enjoy it. My productivity soars, and I become more mindful of my body, making healthier choices like steering clear of junk food. It’s as if yoga transforms me from the inside out, boosting my confidence and turning me into more of an extrovert.
Madea- "I see you was in there doin that Yoda….."
"Oh no hunny I don’t got no yogurt, is that how you stay so thin?_____" 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
My favourite
Yoga is spiritual because of its origin. Exercise without yoga produces the same physical results. I learned that every pose in yoga is worship to a hindu god. That is scary
Yoga is bad for bones
I have only starting yoga for some days. And it already made my mood disorder good. I started to feel strength but please start with a guidence or you will miss the benefits
Who was "patthandali" it’s Patanjali
modern science is still in its infant stage . our sages crossed the boundaries of material existence and realised the ultimate truth of universe. science is still on material level only . now they have started talking about consciousness and metaphysics.
self love starts with yoga🤍
For those of us who have given yoga a good try but found it just doesnt hit the spot, we can say that the benefits of it, ie strength, flexibility, breathing, mindfulness, etc, can be achieved from a well thought out physical exercise regimen such as circuit training, weight training, CV, meditation.
This kind of exercise appears to appeal more to men, while yoga seems to apeal to women. Am i right?
Amazing art !
What’s CE?
1. Yoga is basicaly one of the ways to focus on what we can control
2. Flexibility improves strength and strength improves flexibilities
3. Improving oxygenization characteristics of blood cells is good for every person
Love doing yoga
I like backbends
Didn’t realise that stretching increases stem cells!
Funny how balance wasn’t mentioned. I started the practice with strength already. With time, I’ve built both flexibility and balance.
Hatha Yoga is recognized by the US NIH as having proven medical benefits.
Lilias Yoga and You | Sun Salutation | Rare 1973
Wonderful 💙
The breathing exercises are one of the core principles of yoga, so I am eager to know that are the breathing exercises of yoga do lead to enhancing the production of nitric oxide in the body, and secondly do those exercises help enhance the vagus nerve for reaping its benefits for the body.
I had several lingering injuries from years of running, cycling, falls, accidents and surgeries. I would have pain that would not go away. A Physical Therapist told me that the injuries per se (muscle or tendon tears) heal in a few weeks; but our fascia does not reposition itself that easily and that is what causes pain. She recommended yoga. I was skeptical but did it anyways. After two weeks the pain of my ankles and lower back had gone away. A year of doing yoga and I was back at running and cycling regularly. What a change. Highly recommended.
0:44 Booster4
390 Steuber Neck
使ったChat GPTのアプリの名前を教えてください。
yoga does an amazing job minimising arthritis pain for me surprisingly as well as other issues like stomach conditions.
3:39 the memeface chud (but without glasses) is doing yoga, lol
3434 Emelie Stravenue