How to Deal with Burnout
Burnout at work or burnout at school, or burnout at home, is a type of emotional exhaustion that can lead a person to feel depressed, stressed, or physically tired. If you’re looking for tips on how to deal with burnout at work, how to deal with emotional exhaustion, or how to deal with burnout in life, you can try to start by recognizing the things that causes you to burnout.
Are you burnt out or lazy? Watch this video:
Writer: Sara Del Villar
Script Editor: Denise Ding & Dawn Tan
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Hugo Junstrand (New Animator)
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Canavan, C. (2021, November 3). Why you need to learn how to complete the ‘stress cycle’. Women’s Health. Retrieved from
Montañez, R. (2019, August 19). 3 essential tactics for conquering sleep deprivation and burnout. Forbes. Retrieved from
Kuncheva, M. (2021, February 25). How to increase my happy hormones and prevent burnout. Digiburn. Retrieved from
Her voice is so relaxing <3 Thank you for this! I’ve been a homeschooler all my life but all to suddenly I was switched to a more "REAL" school curriculum. Going to an actual school house and getting graded. I have a plethora of horrible mental issues that make life a struggle and very little is enjoyable. I am never not exhausted. I made a great friend online. She lives very far away, but she charges my battery sometimes!
This just proves how shit of a routine I am following that I am here just after 2 months
I rarely leave any comments on videos before but I just want to say thank you, I’ve been feeling desperate and just tired of everything. I lost my passion a long time ago, I used to come up with a lot of creative things and even though most of them didn’t work I was proud of the process and the dedication I poured into it. Nowadays, I’m not sure of the things I want to do anymore and would just waste my time doing unproductive things that never really helped me of who I want to be. I’m tired but I want to be happy, I hope I can take things slow and work myself back up so I can enjoy my life again.
aree why is the girl speaking so slowly want more money from monetization i guess. IF I AM FEELING A BRUNOUT WHY WILL I WATCH SUCH A SLOW VIDEO THANKS THIS WORSENED MY CONDITION
I wanted to know what to do if you’re already burnt out…😅
I just want to give up on myself today.
thank youuuu for this!!!! my 1st time reaching ur channel and ur soothing voice is amazing🤍🤍🤍💕💕💕
What if I’m stressed abt smth not that simple
What stresses me, debts but I created them, my work stresses me but I chose to accept the job, recuperating from a tibia fracture but I wasn’t paying attention and fell, my children’s choices of life but really can I control others?, so I me myself and I stress myself
Thank you for this, I legitimately cried when you said the "I’m worth it" part. I really needed that.
Sending love 🫶🏻🫶🏻
I’m in the middle of transitioning jobs. I start my new job which offers a standard 8-5 weekday schedule, but my current one is more chaotic and can have me working anytime from 8(almost always 10) through 7:30(8:00 most times). As I make this transition, I am supposed to make use of my free time to travel to the new jobs office and do course work and get accustomed with the role. Though I’m not necessarily working well over 40 hours, I will have days where I must wake up at 5:00, work from 7AM until 2PM and then go to my current job at 3PM until almost 8PM. It creates the feeling of burnout.
I feel like the biggest thing I need is a proper diet and sleep schedule. I usually use the latter part of the day for entertainment. Gaming, chatting with friends, spending time with the fam, etc… though this usually ends up with me staying up later. At my current job, it’s doable, but the new job’s work hours are early. I feel like I am constantly rescheduling the times I show up due to how burnt out I feel. If I was working 50+ hours I’d feel okay about it, but I’m not even working beyond 40 hours atm.
I don’t have mental aupport so I cope w it alone… I feel like im going crazy again
Number 3, sleep.
I just found your channel and wanted to let you know that your videos may have saved my career. I’m in high level IT and it’s been a really stressful year. This has caused me to burn out and really question my career path. I chose this path because I have a family to count on but with todays economy, it’s been really hard to see my success. I love my job but am so tired haha
0:44 It’s about money. I’m burnt out because of money. I need money, I have to support my family and support myself or I’m going to die. I have to get a job. I can’t find a job. Nobody will hire me. Even if I lower my standards and apply for the most unpopular jobs and hard jobs that involve physical labor, they won’t hire me. I can do my hobby because it can be a business. But I can’t do it, because I’m burnt out. Maybe it’s laziness, but I’ve never been this lazy until the hardest life lesson hit me really, really hard. I wanted to cry, I cried. But the problems and the burnout were still there. I wanted to kill myself because I wanted to live.
Im sorry but this video wasnt helpful. The title to me was misleading, "How to Deal with Burnout" as someone who is burnt out right now in an exam block I am not clicking on this video without realising what is ‘causing my burnout’ or what burnout is im trying to figure out how to deal with it the most effective way possible and just saying, complete a sleep cycle and take care of yourself doesnt really help me there. Maybe its just me blinded by stress but I dont think the title is right for this video.
Hey everyone, we’re excited to announce that we have new animators joining the team. This means you will get to see psych2go in new styles. If you support this work, let Hugo know by commenting "I want to see more" 😀
I’m sorry if this sounds wrong.
But for a long time I wanted to tell you something.
You have a really beautiful Voice.
It is calming and relaxing, sometimes even makes one (or me) feel happy, when I watch your Videos.
I also observed that sarcastic Tone in your Voice, while mentioning 1 or 2 Things (in this Video); and had a small Laugh.
Thank you.
I wish you all the best at everything you do.
Take care
I mod games a lot and experience this.
My burnout reason
1. I don’t like myself
2. I m being left out by my friends
3. Everyone got boyfiee
4 preparing for neet so it really does make me feel like giving up … But no i can’t do this to myself.
5. Not able to manage every subj specially physics … Damn this subj is making me cry so hard .
Ok Bieeee need to study
This is so cute, I really like this video ☺I just feel like it was made so well. I’ll learn a lot from this video, I’ll learn how to schedule in meditation and yoga, and self care hygiene before I go to bed at night, so that I have enough time to soak in the benefits of my hard work during the day. 💞this video, and videos that you post like these, are helping me see the vital importance of self- care………
i need to maintain my gpa but oh my god this burnout is bad.. its messing with my attendance. i get the work done. projects done but when it comes to having enough social battery for classes i legit slack off. skipped 3 classes already in 2 weeks and its genuinely disappointing to me, this doesn’t feel like me at all.
its not that i think ill slack off forever im just nervous of the amount of slacking im already doing will mess up my plans.
while telling myself its taking care of myself and believing that theres a bigger picture, my world wont crash. yet.. i still tend to guilt trip myself. guess i cant decide whether to chill or cry 😂
My work is killing me. My coworkers, supervisor and managers are not helping at all. I cant resign now but I will next year
Remember no work is worthy to sacrifice your health. Your supervisor? They dont really care about you. It is your task getting done what matters to them.
as a night worker it’s pretty hard not to suffer from burn out whilst sleeping through the day, does anyone have any tips??
Omg you make me cry i love you thank you for everything❤
how can i know its burnout or adhd !!
Surprisingly helpful, considering it’s only a 6 minutes video 👍
your voice is awesome
Thank you for this video. I’m in tears. I needed to hear that phrase “know that you are worth it”. Your voice is so soothing. Great video ❤
Hell Yea psy you the goat
I am trying to finish this project so bad it hurts
I’m having a shitty time rn with burnout after two years at my job and doing school at the same time. Thank you
I’m a practicing piano player and learning a music major at school and these tips are the best I’ve seen. As someone who always feels like I’m worse than people my age, I found a song called "average", hope you lusten to it because it’s sooo relatable. Thank you for helping me take the first step to start getting my life back together.
My life was dinner standing up a 4kg weight gain that led to ill health. I currently wont eat or drink. I had been fainting due to low oxygen levels. I have a plumber in and my room smells like shxt and i decided lets not. I get 4 hours sleep and had first seizure in 18 years. So house is fantastic. They drilled for 8 hours ina toilet i dont use as i dont require much food. I gained 4kg from energy ffs.
school is causing me stress after being a model student for years
Thank you for your care and love❤️
Your videos are awesome!✌🏼
Can I please have some of your permission to use some clips for a performance task? thanks you Psych:>
we got this 🙂 ive been working so hard for my really important exam next year to the point where im burning out and avoiding my tasks. i cram for hours and get only 4 hours of sleep everyday. feels stressful and guilty at the same time :’) thankyou for this video, helps alot <333
Everyday I’m multitasking and I can’t stop because the tasks I’m working on is time sensitive. Things like feeding my pets, letting them out to use the restroom, doing homework, cooking and eating my meals, writing homework and college applications, remodeling rooms in my parents house to rent, and attending meetings etc. I’m so tired, easily irritable, and everyday I’m just running around doing things to cross it off the perpetual checklist. I need a break but it seems like a break doesn’t need me 🙁🙏
Thanks for that.
If ur a med student this is a dailly emotions
You need to do ASMR. SUCH a relaxing voice. U_U
Lately I’ve been so stressed about my school works and some other problems that are now piling up on me now, but when I saw this video I realized some things I should do to avoid it and some things on what I should do, this would really help me to start to organize myself and be confident. Thank you for the advice Psych2GO
I don’t know how I went from being a topper to an average failure. Ever since I’ve entered 9th grade, I’ve been going through this phase of academic burnout where I just can’t focus on my studies like I used to. I’ve been failing, getting average grades and I don’t know how to get myself back to the scope
Im very much burnout that i cant even fully complete this video
Exactly what I need now!
Thank You!…
I felt I was loosing it, losing my grip and feeling depressed… All the symptoms mentioned here are exactly what I feel
this was amazing