What Trauma Taught Me About Resilience | Charles Hunt | TEDxCharlotte
What Trauma Taught Me About Resilience | Charles Hunt | TEDxCharlotte
That resilience is one of the most important traits to have, is critical to their happiness and success, & can be learned.
Adept at leveraging transparency to inspire and get results, this former College Recruiting, Talent Management, Diversity, and Supply Chain leader left the corporate world to fulfill his vision of building unbreakable spirits and cultivating resiliency for those who, like him, have The Audacity to Succeed. He helps students & young professionals build resilience, believe in bigger and greater for themselves, and create the educational, financial, and professional plans to get there.
As the founder of The Audacity Firm, LLC, his firm provides professional & personal development programs, coaching, and events to equip clients with financial literacy/education, workforce readiness, professional development, and career planning tips, tools, and strategies to LIVE, DO, and BE BETTER.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
You listen to your heart, you love your ex. Your ex listen to her heart. In her heart your ex does not love you. She listened to her heart aur tumhe chodd diya. In Jeremiah 17:9-10 it is there that heart is most deceitful and wicked. Your ex listened to her heart. Your ex does not love you. God said heart is most deceitful and wicked
Hello brothers and sisters. I would just like to recommend that everyone read the book ‘Raising Warriors: Preparing Your Children For a Godly Life’. Reading that book was the best desicion I ever made.
How is Charles doing 7 years later? Sometimes healing is like dieting, back forward back back back forward. Resilience is key~ Thank you for sharing this is one of my more favorite trauma surviving stories!
This is truly incredible!!
love love this so much. so inspiring
I’ve sent this to loved one as I’m boo boo crying god is great ❤
"Sometimes we need to tell ourselves what to think, when our mind starts telling us things we don’t need to hear. That you CAN and WILL overcome and succeed, not just in spite of, but precisely BECAUSE of. That with the proper perspective and with a positive attitude, we have POWER." wow
People have to learn to cope with and work through very challenging life experiences. Resilience is SO important.
Best Ted Talk I’ve seen
Great content indeed! If you are invested, you’d be wise to look into this similar book. "Rising From Within: Unlocking Your Innate Power to Conquer Adversity" by Vincent Starling
This hit me in such a down time in my life , see I had just lost my dads, I read some of the other comments n I just gots say you are amazing and your life material so crushing yet you persevered and I can honestly say I know the addiction and poverty all to well throughout generations of my family and this plague of “bad luck” or what I call generational curse would tap into my life so badly that I would loose my 21 yr old brother to drug addiction when I was 18, dad to alcoholism and my husband to jail and not to mention all my own problems that were an Easter basket full of a variety of all those issues, but Praise God I , too persevered and became resilient . Thank you so much for sharing & speaking to so many you are a force and helped me so much!! Thank you
I am a Victor!
Beliefs system
Stopped listening after he explained the color of skin was an obstacle
Thank you for this talk! Well done!
Proper perspective and positive attitude
Thank you for sharing what occurred in your immediate family. I went through a lot of trauma thank you for helping me. God Bless you and protect you always❤
Who on this earth gave Charles a heartbreak, a breakup and a distraction while he was preparing for his incredible speech???
You overcame! Good Job Charles❤
I can see that this video has been sent in youtub for 6 years ago. I Have just found it and find it amazing. I am writing my doctoral thesis on African Americans’ resilience, and you confirmed exactly what i was doubting if it made sense talking about it "our believes impact our thoughts and our thoughts impact our feelings and our feelings impact our actions and behavior". Thank you Brother. God bless you.
First world problems
It hurts to know people can become resilient without trauma.
Yesterday my mother crashed into a tree with her abusive ex, crushing her entire lower half. I am lost, confused and hurt.. I am only 23 and I have difficulties with socializing/comprehending but I have two siblings. I am watching in hopes of some guidance so they are okay but I’m scared
Kids become strong like superheroes when they face real challenges, learning how to solve problems and never give up. Each challenge is like a puzzle piece that makes them even tougher!
If anyone is willing to share their story about getting through your trauma, please do not hesitate to reach out. Telling your story isn’t just for others to hear, but it can be a part of the healing process. God bless.
Power to you
Charles – thank you!
Why are ur hands in ur pocket??
I’m proud of you family.
Absolutely PHENOMENAL speech. It helped me today. THANK YOU.
I’m about to be 32 years old and I’m dealing with the s*** against I’m watching the video and commenting on it. You had mentioned that resilience is a big factor between people like us extreme trauma of being successful or not. I agree but I disagree. I’ve been doing a lot of research and paying attention to people and trying to figure out the difference and I believe that the successful trauma kids or usually smart and they have some kind of talent. For example you said you have a degree and all this stuff I couldn’t even spell my middle name till I was 14. I never completed a whole year of school in my life and that’s bad on me because when I tried to get my GED I want the classes for 4 years and finally they were like dude you’re going to have to get some kind of special assist. So that puts me in a lower category because my job options and ability to do things are different than yours. We share a lot of the same traumas but your smarter than me and your naturally talented. You’re a good speaker. You have good manners
Pressure makes Diamonds or it burst Pipes. Choose one.
6 years later and I have found this as I am at a point in my life were my past traumatic experiences are crumbling everything I’ve tried so hard to build…
Sir, you are amazing! Thank you for healing this world.
Not a great speaker but clearly a fantastic writer
“But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated” — The Old Man and the Sea
God is my strength. Every traumatic thing and bad situation i have been through god has always still been there with me in the fire and darkness. I encourage everyone if you havent already try god, talk to him, let him in your life!my strength and resilience comes from GOD not leaving my side.He can do the impossible❤️
I needed this
My father was an addict all my life, and he raised me as a single father. When I was 9, he overdosed and slipped into a coma for 4 months.
He met a woman, married her, got clean for over a decade. Fast forward to 2021. He found his father dead. He relapsed. Developed psychosis to a point he was shooting at imaginary people and there was nothing I could do to help him. I begged police to help. I had him hospitalized against his will only to result in him disowned me and coming home worse.
I found him dead Jan 3rd…last month. He was barricaded in his house, I broke a window and could smell him, but i told myself maybe not, maybe its a dead mouse or maybe his fridge quit working. I climbed in the window…and found him in his room where his dogs were eating him. I don’t know how this will effect me for the rest of my life. All I know is I’m leaning on Jesus and I do not want this to hurt my kids. I have also suffered depression and diagnosed with ptsd 2 years ago..
Damn this guy is good at writing.
Adapt to Negative things
Dang, dude, you put my problems in perspective.
Wish you all the best.
I was in a car accident, paralyzed, lost everything, and this is my story of how I used it to make myself a better person, I hope this inspires someone who needs it. I wrote it after I got out of hospitals, learning to walk again and more, so I wrote this the first Thanksgiving after I started my recovery.
As I sit here in my almost paid off house with my dog and cats relaxing from washing my car and motorcycle, I came across this that I wrote over 3 years ago. I think if there is ever a time to repost it, it is now. I hope someone out there going through the same gets inspired to "keep on, keeping on" as I did and reaps the benefits later on. so here it is… I’m Thankful for Nothing this Thanksgiving.
Yes, during this time we are supposed to reflect on all that we do have, I am grateful most of all for "Nothing". See I have had pretty much everything in life, marriage, children, a career I loved doing and would have done for free and gladly so. I had nice homes, cars and the rest. I always thought I was doing okay, not as good as some, but darn sure better than a lot, for sure. Well all that changed a little over a year ago. I was a Patient Care Liason at a hospital and had taken a part time weekend job to help with child support after a divorce. I drove a taxi on weekends and they gave me a cab with bad tires, which blew out going around a bend on the highway at 300am, and then I found the seat belt and airbag didn’t work, the part when I went through the windshield and fractured 9 vertebrae, 7 ribs, and lacerated my kidney and spleen, was something I’d rather forget but made me paralyzed from chest down until I had surgery to fix it. Then again 5 months in rehab learning to walk again wasn’t a walk in the park either.
I couldn’t leave the hospital so why I was gone my apt got broke into and ransacked, not once but twice and everything I owned was gone. I couldn’t report to work for a while, so after 30 days my job was gone, my insurance and benefits were gone, and my car left soon after as well, so all I owned was my hospital equipment, and my little trailer I had just got before my accident. I had no money, no food, no electricity, no gas. My pipes were frozen and burst, but my water was off anyway. It was late January 24 degrees outside, and I had no fridge, stove, or even a microwave. Just an ice chest. It took me over 2 hours to walk the quarter mile to the store. I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t even afford ibuprofen, let alone toilet paper. I decided to donate plasma and got enough for cat food and a few non-food essentials and finally got a meager amount of food stamps for food. I had to wear this huge clamshell back and neck brace 24 hours daily, First night I was home I tried to stay warm with my 2 cats and a blanket, then I realized my place had gotten infested with bedbugs and fleas. I will spare you the details but then was when I met my friend…’Nothing."
I will spare the details, but after going to places like the Mission to get a couple of shirts, and pants, and food banks to try to get something more to eat, I adapted. I learned to enjoy the little pleasures in life. A piece of candy, a can of Coke, having actual toilet paper. washing clothes in the bathtub, and drying them on a clothesline. A warm blanket, and a pillow, candles to read by and time to read my Bible, and understand it like never before.
So now despite all the things I use to have, that I took for granted, the things I didn’t have anymore taught me how to be humble, to appreciate having hot and cold running water, a toilet that flushes. A heater in the winter, and a air conditioner and fan in the summer. A stereo, a TV, a car that runs and is legal. Clean clothes, Being able to go to Taco Bell and get what I want off the dollar menu, anytime. Who I have to thank for these things besides God, (who was always with me, and kept me going and focused the entire time), is "Nothing."
You see you can never understand what it’s really like to be in pain that’s almost unbearable, or not have anything to eat, or no heat in the winter, or sweating in the summer with no AC or fan, or even waiting in line for hours for a bag of food, you have no way to even cook, or store… unless you have been there. I thought I understood and appreciated how tough these things must be and are, until I went through them,. So thanks again, "Nothing"… for helping me appreciate life, and all the simple, yet necessary things one too often overlooks. Thank you "Nothing"… for showing me what others really have to go through, and to be more compassionate with them and to them. Thanks "Nothing"… for taking me to a place I needed to be, so I could really appreciate life, the people in mine, and making me want to do anything I can to help my fellow man or woman going through what I did, without judging them, or their circumstances. You know we have very few friends out there who will do or tell you something they already know your not going to like, but they do it anyway, because they know it’s going to be better for you and make you a better person in the long run. The Bible teaches us to always look for the reason behind out trials and tribulations, and to learn from them. I wouldn’t have traded what I went through for anything. It changed me as a man, a person, and a human being, all for the better.
So this Thanksgiving, has probably been the best one ever for me. For that, I gratefully, and Humbly, give thanks… to "Nothing", thanks to you for teaching me how important it is to be thankful… for Everything!
ppl say not to compare traumas & all but i hear stuff like this; they’re right we don’t have to compare traumas, but we don’t have to determine ours be the worst of them all n just completely stop from growing. love resilience, love discussing it, love hearing examples of it. we’re stronger than we give ourselves credit for.
Ptsd killed who i was and ive been rebuilding him since