20 minute Low Impact Cardio Workout for Seniors and Beginners
20 minute Low Impact Cardio Workout for Seniors and Beginners
This 20 minute low impact cardio workout is all about enjoying movement and getting in some healthy and safe exercise. Each movement challenges the body in a different way to allow you to become stronger and more fit. This workout is suitable for beginners and seniors who want a low impact and safe workout. We’ll finish with a few minutes of stretching at the end.
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00:00 Warm up & cardio
16:00 Cool-down
20:00 Stretching
21:50 Ending Words
#walkingworkout #lowimpactexercise #exercisesforseniors
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Disclaimer: You should always consult your physician before starting any ‘Improved Health’ fitness program or any other fitness program. You should understand when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge ‘Improved Health’ from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of participating in these exercise videos.
Im 50 yrs old and i have never completed a whole workout,i have osteoarthritis all over and mostly my knees,so i find it difficult to move quick,but thanks to you video i was able to get through just fine,loved the music very soothing but motivating,new follower,thank you ❤
Would you like to offer some modification stretches. It’s been a while since my foot reached my behind without a major medical event.
This workout is great. I have heart issues and can’t do all those other strenuous videos. This is going so well for me. Thank you
1 semester pregnancy, I felt like I was losing myself and became depressed after not working out for 2.5 months. This made me so happy. Thank you!
Thanks for making this video. It’s fun, easy and yet it still makes me feel like I got a work out in. I have 3 bulging discs in my lower back and I am not able to do all the activities and exercises that I use to, so this video is perfect. I’ve been able to add this to walking. Thanks again.
New here. This workout is perfect for this 69 year old woman! Thank you!
I am not a senior, but this fun work out helps me keep moving! Thank you for the video 😊
Thank you! Haven’t done much aerobic activity for a while now, and found this easy to follow and just the right time and activity level.
Light cardio exercise really works for me, I’m on my 50’s but yah love it! I need to lose weight 😅. Done my first exercise. Tha!
Can this be done every day.
I am a 29 yr old woman and exercise has been pretty non existing my life up until I got into the latter part of my twenties. But nothing ever worked out. Walking, jogging, running, yoga..I tried it all and I could never stick to anything. This 20 minute session was one of the best workouts I have had in a while. It was perfect for me.thank you for the guidance.Please keep it up.
I’m almost 71 and have become diabetic. Always a busy person but haven’t had a daily regime for excercise. I’m on board now, this will get me going. I don’t have the stamina for using the equipment I have, but I can do this! I don’t need to lose weight but need to gain muscle!
This is my new morning routine! Thank you!
Thank you so much for the workout.
I’m a 79 year old woman,recently widowed after 60 years of a beautiful marriage! After making my dear husband’s health needs the priority in my life for a longtime , I now realize I must begin taking care of myself physically and spiritually to create a happy and healthy future for myself.
Thank you so much for your video, it’s perfect for me, a gentle yet very aerobic workout! God bless you!
At 19 year old Age I got sweat in 10 min…Hella what will happen to us in late 60s..😂🎉
75 year old here and loved this workout. So different from the other “seniors” videos
This is great for us super obese people who are trying to get into exercise. Thank you so much for this video.
I love your tights so much!
Thank you so much for this low impact cardio workout !!!!! <3
I’m in my first trimester of pregnancy and it’s been hard finding a workout that I can do being nauseous 24/7, but this one is so nice because I don’t have to bend or jump!
Hi my mom and I enjoy doing your workout videos. Do you pilates videos? For women over 50 ?
I loathe exercise. This video doesn’t feel like exercise at all because you make it so much fun! Thanks for helping me get moving and feeling better. I always wave back to you at the end of the video.
im only a teenager, but my unfitness has started to affect my life and i needed somewhere to start. this has helped me, and im gonna be honest my confidence, in ways you cant imagine. no shame, just calm, almost meditation. thank you so much 🥰 from ireland 🇮🇪
Thank you for this. I was having GERD cough and hyperacidity in the middle of the night, and antacids couldn’t seem to help. I couldn’t even sit down because it gets worse. So, I played this and did your exercises as best as I can. After the 20 mins, I had less GERD cough and I could already sit down (but not sleep yet). I love the steps — simple and easy to follow. I’ll be doing this more often. Thanks a lot. ❤
Thanku dear ,very calm and smart exercise ❤
I know this is an older video but just found it looking for low impact… thanks so much, it’s just what I need to get started moving again!!
I have really bad back problems so its hard for me to actually work out and burn calories without hurting myself, but this one was really good. Should i do it multiple times a day to burn more calories?
Fabulous workout thanks these exercises have helped me through times of grief as I love music it’s great therepy ❤
I’m 18 years old and I do this workout everyday 🤗
I’m 58 and am just getting back into real exercise. I love this workout because you can adjust it up or keep it the same. And you remember muscles that are sometimes neglected. I’m a fan!
Starting my weightloss & health journey today! I could only do 15 min today but hopefully I’ll be able to do a little bit more each day. Currently 181.6 lbs.
Day 2: 180.6 (Still only did 15 min, but it went faster that yesterday. Also took a 45 mini walk midday. I think my food plan is eating more veggie & protein than carb & having no meat days.
I haven’t done aerobics in years this is a great beginner for me thanks
Hi. I managed only 10 mins…. But enjoyed it. Easy excercises… Hope to get more fit following u. Thank u. Have subscribed. ❤❤❤
This lafy is awesome
Thank you so Much.
Thanks I am 24 and like this work out 🥰
I’ve never found the perfect low impact till now 👏🏻 thanks to you I finished the whole session ❤
Well, I’ve been avoiding anything that says ‘cardio’. Feeling particularly feisty today so I thought I’d give it a go. Did the whole thing, kept up nicely if I do say so, AND I loved it. Thanks Jules.
Hiii!!! I’m 17 and have been doing pilates for over a year now, so I’m not quite a begginer or a senior just yet. But!!! I always incorporate this entire workout vid in my routine. I find that it helps get my energy up …. keep up the great work!!!
Hi, Jules! This was a perfect workout for the day. We’re going to Colorado Springs later for country dancing. A nice combo of exercise. Happy Fall! Mary in Cotopaxi saying hello
Thank you 🥰❤️
Happy Holidays, Jules! I think this is a new session for me, most effective in getting my motor charged. Thanks!
Back in the ‘80’s, I exercised watching Joanie Greggains (RIP) on her tv show, Morning Stretch. The moves in this video are similar to hers, tried and true- love it!
I m 19.I was looking for cardio before my workout…this will be in my list now…Thanks Sweetaa❤❤…
Love u Ma shaa Allah…
I have anemia and I had a spinal fusion at 12 and I’ve been sedentary for quite some time, I’m 17 now and my stamina is awful, so I’m trying to start and build it up, can’t even make it through the other half of the video, but I’ll get there soon enough! Thank you 🙂
Great video, I’m 65 with recently diagnosed high Cholesterol. This will be my daily workout, good pace for me I really enjoyed it thank you 🙂
Great routines! So easy to follow💦💪
Thank you for a cardio video I can actually follow, and I got a sweaty workout too. I waste hours looking online for senior video routines that I am able to do. I am saving this one.
You’re welcome and thank you maam I enjoy it, see you next time. ❤️😇
thank you for a rewarding day!