Brian Klassen, PhD: How to Heal from Trauma and Take Your Life Back – Trigger Avoidance and PTSD
Brian Klassen, PhD: How to Heal from Trauma and Take Your Life Back – Trigger Avoidance and PTSD
When trauma goes untreated, and trigger avoidance controls behavior, life can become quite small. Veterans can get free effective treatment for PTSD to heal the invisible wounds of war and get back to a healthy lifestyle.
Brian Klassen, PhD, is the Clinical Director of the Road Home Program (, part of the Wounded Warrior Project’s Warrior Care Network:
For more information about Dr. Klassen:
For information about treatments for PTSD please visit The Treatment Hub:
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The man’s eyes tell a story.
When I got Covid pneumonia and was put on a ventilator and ECMO, in a coma for six weeks, in hospital two and half months, I developed ptsd. Yes, your world gets ever so small. And then you have to live with being both a victim and a survivor. But it’s not enough. We just know we are more than that and yet we are afraid of more.
Very true. In my world, I’m avoiding severe pain. Who would not?
I solved it a different way. I trained and became like Roronoa eventually. I realized that it doesn’t matter how you feel about anything. It’s a waste of time. You had goals in life? You will have to continue despite all that. Don’t expect that some angel will come and help you. That’s real life. Only the strongest survive. It may sound cold but that’s life, accept it.
I cried for years that i want to have a normal life…i suffered in silence with the feeling that nobody understands me.I thought that i am cursed because just hard situations i have had to deal in my life…I remember once that i called a friend crying sharing with her that i don’t even have a beautiful moment in my life to say that Summer i was happy,I had fun…😢😢😢I had no ideea about traumas.My entire life was hardships,homeless, unemployed situations that repeted again and again..
I wouldn’t have been able to get rid of my HSV permanently without the use of herbs from Dr okosun here on you tube ❤❤
@brainline, what about those that trauma dump, and repeat their story to others. They appear stuck. How is that approached in treatment when it is someone willing to regurgitate their story to the point where they lose their support system around them because others do not know how to deal with it.
Repeated cycles of breakdowns and not understanding how what I blocked out to go on I am at 70 just recognizing finally what happened to me. Am starting a new therapy Monday and hoping to heal. Until a few years ago I didn’t recognize it was trauma or how trauma acted.
help. how do I start this?
BS, save your money,
Snapped in half forwards backwards controlled against will…not allowed to fight forward but restrained from punching/kicking…revoked from work from collegiate studies ruled out off from…depleted of a bloodline against control…there is war…you need life…bright shining joy/cheerfulness…life and light…
I’m trying to heal from the last 34 years of my life even when I’m 90 years old l will never heal. I will only heal when l get to heaven l have hurt alot of people and have been a big jerk. God is bigger then all my problems.
So much this😫I have to come put of this
Really 100% what is happening to me
For me I have felt as if my world was once so limitless and wide, then I went through some hard stuff, and I felt like my world had become so very small… so many days I spent pining for how my life used to be, not realizing what was wrong with me…
I’m really glad to know what I’ve been struggling with and happy to be able to start taking care of it.
GOD bless you sir. thank you.
I’m 22. No friends…pushed everyone out. I go to work but SO HARD to socialize and trust anyone. I come home and THATS it. I was in a toxic relationship that made me overwhelmed at the moment that I felt numb and couldn’t feel but still felt a cloud over my shoulders. Now a year later after the break up I am now all of a sudden memories popping back into my head. These aren’t pretty memories either. I can’t talk about them to my mom bc she starts to get nervous. My therapist app. Isn’t until a month from now. So I’ve called 988 a few times…not because I was in the verge of *** but because i couldn’t get those memories out of my head and I felt like banging my head and screaming. I do think about *** but I know deep down I don’t want to.
Every time I take my father to the doctor I feel like they hide shit and neglect them until it to late
I dont understand. I had the diagnosis CPTSD but have no "triggers" or avoidance behaviour…sounds like a load of shit to me. Nothing fits but the trauma I have endired have been extreme and reoccurent for 47 years.
I need help
Life also becomes small bc you have to deal with a lot of petty immature ppl who criticize you for your symptoms and tell you you’re either ‘overreacting’, if you’d ’think positive you wouldn’t have ptsd’ or tell you that if you’d do A-B-C than it would all ‘be alright’ bc it’s ‘in the past’ anyway. And that’s besides the intentional gaslighting, laughing behind your back and all the gossiping. So, no, it’s not just avoiding anxiety, it’s being socially excluded from being treated with respect like a ‘normal’ person, just bc you show ptsd symptoms. 🙏🏼
Life becoming small! Yes that’s so true but it is hard to realize it. You can only know in retrospect or until your therapist points it out over and over again. But thank you! That’s a very good point. I live in a small world but trying my best to gradually experience more freedom.
The very first line is a perfect statement "life becomes small". This is such a great description of the feeling that those suffering may experience.
I can’t even take a piss without my heart rate going through the roof and punching walls because of flashbacks.
I got ptsd from the cops when the cops came in night and try to arrest my brother i heard my dogs bark i got outside to see what happend but i just heard the radio i cant see them because is dark so everytime my dogs bark now in the night and i go outside i always hear the radios in my head and i start going around the farm like a crazy person
yes, I started avoiding anything that would trigger me. I isolated myself and slipped into a depressive state of mind. Its not good. Slowly getting myself out there but at my own pace and comfort,
Uh oh
This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 10 months ago about self development. Now I have 1,964 subs and > 2k hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.
I’m starting my medication for PTSD tomorrow as I have untreated PTSD since August 2018!
Anyway apparently there’s only 2 FDA approved meds for PTSD which are paxil and zoloft
How many months will I have to take Paxil to treat my PTSD? I’m asking because I’ve tried Paxil before for a few days and it caused insomnia ( couldn’t sleep at all), anxiety, agitation, watery eyes, sexual problems ( inability to ejaculate)
I can tolerate this side effects for a few months but longer than that it will become unbearable and I’ll be sexually frustrated.
I’m willing to take it for 6 months but no longer than that. I’ve been told you need to take it for 12 to 18 months, is this true?
I’m planning on taking Paxil alongside a benzo such as valium to help me sleep and relieve my anxiety, agitation which are the undesirable side effects of Paxil
But I’m afraid that the valium will undo the effects of paxil because benzos are contrindicated for treating PTSD, is this true?
I don’t want waste 12 months taking a med that will treat my PTSD ( Paxil) but having to take a benzo ( Valium) that will undo and make paxil ineffective and therefore hinder my PTSD treatment
I finally realized last night, in an epiphany, that I’ve been unconsciously preparing myself to die because I don’t know how to live anymore. I’ve been doing this for 10 years now 😢 This realization is really disturbing to me, but accepting the truth is the first step to change. Any advice on how to start living again would be welcomed. I’m afraid to live.
I’m healing slowly, but yeah I’ve been a hermit for so many years. It’s terrible but the worry it could happen again keeps me awake
I immediately hate the person who triggered me. I don’t know if I’ll ever completely heal, it’s like the past won’t let me go.
And you can’t get them from the doctor says that he is ok until it to late
I’m totally locked and seized …depletion…….
Please take this horrible feeling away that hurts every second I’m awake
Oh my goodness: life becomes small! THATS EXACTLY how I describe my life! People who havent "been there" are ignorant of this life experience. PLEASE KNOW this experience is NOT relative ONLY to veterans.
Damn he sized me up as well Gulp
PTSD is not just from battle on the field it also can be from trauma from your abusive past gulp man I wonder if I can find this guy seems like he knows how to tackle this and man do I wanna get better
You know your life is hard when yoyr therapist says, as a mentak health professional, its hard for me to say this, but the fact you can dissociate, distract, and avoid, is probably the best thing you can do for yourself until somthing changes. Major ongoin medical issues/medical trauma/medical ptsd.
What about bullying. As in over the course of a decade not just a school year. I don’t want to claim ptsd but I was diagnosed last week officially. I catch myself thinking and actually mouthing out what I never got to say. Always on high alert Bc I was publicly humiliated on a daily basis. I clench my jaw so hard and tight I have broke teeth. Then I hear a story of a war vet and feel like a piece of sh*t
I’m going to explain my trauma, i think it’s very strange and I’m not sure what it is really… I would love an answer from someone and what they think.
When I was really little, ages from 4-10 years old my dad took me to the park and I was afraid of rollercoasters, heights, fast things as most kids are. He took me to the park and I sat on the swing and he pushed me really fast on it and wouldn’t stop even when I told him to stop and when I was crying, the wind coming into my face felt like I was hyperventilating and each time my body would swing forward on the swing really fast it felt like my soul left me and I was trying to breathe at the same time. Then I tried the trampoline, I was fine but I realised when I used to focus on moving things too much like the wind, my hair moving, dangly things on clothing, I had to stop jumping on the trampoline and felt the urge to take a breath and just relax and stop the things that were bothering me so much and making me feel a stressed way. Skip to my high school years, I always hated carrying a water bottle in my bag because I was "afraid" of the water moving and I never liked the sensation of the water moving (sometimes only, other times I can handle it and it won’t affect me) it made me feel stressed and like my heart beating faster and adrenaline. I realised overtime in my young teenage years this behaviour of mine and I called it "the movement feeling" as moving things would make me feel stressed. Not all the time, not most of the time, but only very randomly sometimes. Sometimes I will feel when I’m going to get the movement feeling, all of a sudden I’ll feel myself focusing on random objects or moving things that bother me, for example i can be in a gathering of people in a living room and I’d feel that same feeling… my heart beating a little more, myself getting more nervous and feeling uncomfortable… then I’d focus on the echoes of the voices in the room and the echoes making the water in the glass vibrate. All I want to do is get out the room and relax myself in a quiet… peaceful place until I have calmed down and I’m comfortable again. (It only happens sometimes, kind of rarely now) I am 19 years old now. A few months ago I went to the park with my man and I went on the swing (he knows about all of this movement feeling and supports me) I told him to go slow and push me slowly on the swing, it felt fine at first but then I said faster and the faster I felt adrenaline and that uncomfortable feeling again. It was sad because I just want to enjoy little things, like a swing. I still can, just not 100% comfortably. I can still enjoy things in life as I have tried my best to control myself over it and teach myself it’s okay. Sometimes I’ve even tried purposely put myself through things that would trigger my movement feeling and purposely get myself feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortable to maybe try to beat the feeling…
It’s a lot better now than what it used to be, but still the feeling lingers here and there randomly… what is this? Is there a real name for this?? How do I stop this? I’ve talked to my dad about it and my mum but they shrug it off and act like I’m crazy or as if it’s not a big deal because they don’t know how it feels and it sounds stupid. My biggest main triggers for this movement feeling as of now is the wind, water and my hair. Again, only barely sometimes, I’ve realised now that the feeling is a lot less intense than it was before, when it happens now I barely have a serious reaction or "episode" to it. I just feel a little nervous and stressed and uncomfortable that’s all, makes me overthink too.
What if you know that 3 people have died of none medical care