6 ways to heal trauma without medication | Bessel van der Kolk | Big Think
6 ways to heal trauma without medication | Bessel van der Kolk | Big Think
6 ways to heal trauma without medication, from the author of “The Body Keeps the Score,” Bessel van der Kolk
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Conventional psychiatric practices tell us that if we feel bad, take this drug and it will go away. But after years of research with some of the top psychiatric practitioners in the world, we’ve found that drugs simply don’t work that well for many, and our conventional ways of healing trauma need to change.
In recent years, experts in the study of trauma have been experimenting with ‘new age’ healing mechanisms that are making massive waves for trauma patients. Some of these new healing methods include EDMR, yoga, theater and movement, neural feedback, and even psychedelics. Many of these methods have proven to be more effective than conventional pharmaceuticals.
But just like any other health regimen, what works for you might not work for your friend or neighbor. New age trauma therapy is all an experiment, and after enough experimenting, something can eventually work, healing your trauma in a unique and effective way.
Read the video transcript: https://bigthink.com/series/the-big-think-interview/heal-trauma
About Bessel van der Kolk:
Bessel van der Kolk is a psychiatrist noted for his research in the area of post-traumatic stress since the 1970s. His work focuses on the interaction of attachment, neurobiology, and developmental aspects of trauma’s effects on people. His major publication, Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society, talks about how the role of trauma in psychiatric illness has changed over the past 20 years.
Dr. van der Kolk is past President of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Professor of Psychiatry at Boston University Medical School, and Medical Director of the Trauma Center at JRI in Brookline, Massachusetts. He has taught at universities and hospitals across the United States and around the world, including Europe, Africa, Russia, Australia, Israel, and China.
Check out Bessel van der Kolk’s latest book, “The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma” at https://www.amazon.com/Body-Keeps-Score-Healing-Trauma/dp/0143127748
Read more of our stories on healing trauma:
How to Heal From Trauma ►► https://bigthink.com/personal-growth/how-to-heal-from-trauma/
How Childhood Trauma Can Make You A Sick Adult ►► https://bigthink.com/videos/vincent-felitti-on-childhood-trauma/
How to heal trauma with meaning: A case study in emotional evolution
►► https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/bj-miller-trauma/
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Wonderful. The Info and also the Set Up. Thank you
I’ve tried every antidepressant out there, TMS and Ketamine. EMDR has been the only thing that has helped me!
ihr verstehen warum er behauptet das er garnicht hier ist
das ist das rätsel warum ist er dann hier ?
Sending you all SO much love and compassion. You are so special and needed here!! Thank you for existing!!! ❤
Everything is an experience. Don’t seek security in Security, the only security is in verigration.
This channel is awesome
EMDR is amazing
Ok let me get this straight… You start out upset that the DRUGS prescribed for trauma don’t work very well…YOUR WORDS! But at the 6:49 you promote even stronger drugs to "help" with trauma? Do you understand that drugs aka Pharmacia is in the Bible and YOU believer who suffers from this affliction and are watching this must understand it means WITCHCRAFT! You have been warned proceed at your own peril.
This is from one who suffers with Complex PTSD but will never use Pharmacia to solve this issue.
He recently connected with Rob William- PHYCH K, this is the, softest way to get the healing. But it is a practice! 🥰🤞
My dad had horrible PTSD from Vietnam. They had him on Effexor for yearssssssss for this. When I learned how Effexor works in the body, I was shocked and appalled that they had put somebody on that medication who had problems with hypervigilance, when it increases the amount of norepinephrine in your body, which is the main hormone involved in "fight or flight." That just doesn’t give in my brain… And this is why we call it "practicing" medicine. I wish everyone would have such a holistic approach to treating these complicated patients.
4:57 well look at tha
I have had very good psychotherapy, helped me articulate what I was feeling. I had EMDR, stopped the flashbacks and night terrors. I took MDMA and LSD and it helped me see through a new paradigm. Each were very useful. Many other techniques over a ten year period led me to where I am now, no longer on a destructive path hurting everyone around me and myself. I’m currently studying to be a psychotherapist myself, I’m hoping to help others who go through similar situations to myself and those here in the comments. Show yourself from love, you are a warrior.
It never goes away
He’s got such a chill vibe. I wish I could meet him
I’ll be honest with everyone up in here. I tried yoga and it would help at times with releasing from hips but I could never get anything loose. I eventually tried Chinese medicine- that ish is magic. As I understand trauma – at its root- either extreme physical or emotional charge that was too much for the nervous system. So I did SOMATICS from a woman called the workout witch for 90 days! Soooo many things were let go and realized. Like oh my god in small towns so many people have suppressed emotions and guess what you don’t have to live around that!!! I moved and never felt so good. I also used TRE tremoring for my hips. THEN I did restorative yoga- NOT hatha yoga. I respect though what worked for me might not work for everyone. So I encourage listen to your body and share your story without enforcing it!
Psychedelics i dont agree with!
LSD works for trauma! (microdosing)
Weed helps to be normal. I’d say that’s god enough for me. 😄
Find Jesus Christ because only in God can you really heal.
When I was around 5 years old my dad punished me by burning all my stuffed animals in the fireplace. I managed to pull one out and save him. My mom sewed a button on his burnt eye as a bandage. I’m 26 now and I’m crying as I type this. I’ve taken boatloads of acid as an adult trying to overcome these emotions however I still cry over this when I talk about it. It fucking hurts. I’m 26 now. It’s crazy because I’ve been robbed once while high on acid and it gave me ptsd however I used acid more and more to overcome it and it worked but I can’t seem to do it with the trauma of my stuffed animals being burned alive. wtf dad… I forgive him but why!!!! What the fuck. He denies ever doing this which makes it harder for me. He denies allot of things.
Run sing dance talk do you there is no blueprint stay beautiful and keep going ❤️
I’m reading his book now, it’s essential. Still, he’s missing the metabolic psychiatry approach as an adjuvant too
I was having so much suicidal thoughts 18 years ago as a teenage, also suffered severe anxiety and mental disorder years ago. Got diagnosed with bipolar. Spent my whole life fighting bipolar. Not until my partner recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment changed my life for better. I can proudly say i’m totally clean for 6 years and still counting. Always look to nature for solution to tough problems, Shrooms are phenomenal.
The video talks about six ways to heal from trauma without using medication. It says that methods like yoga, mindfulness, therapy, and being around supportive people can really help. These approaches focus on calming the body and mind and building a sense of safety. I think it’s great that there are natural ways to recover from trauma. I would like to try mindfulness or yoga because they seem like helpful ways to feel more balanced and relaxed.
My question is why in certain situations i tend to ball up and block everyone?
This helped me: Speak your true identity unto your trauma. You do it with conviction and you get a new identity from what God says about you. He is kind. He didn’t cause the trouble in the world, we did. We chose not to love each other. Read the book, "the body keeps score," that helps too. You are loved, lovely, and lovable.
"Hacer yoga", no es un buen consejo para occidentales. El yoga, además de ser una práctica física, también es una práctica espiritual, por lo que las asanas son invocaciones y veneración a los miles de "dioses" hindúes que existen. Creeme que no quieres comprometer tu integridad espiritual "dejando entrar" a esas entidades dentro de tu campo electro-magnético. Llevo muchos años estudiando este fenómeno, porque lo viví en primera persona. Desaconsejo fervientemente la práctica del yoga. Si lo que quieres es estirarte y beneficiarte de ello, practica pilates. Nada de mantras, asanas, pranayamas ni nada parecido.
EMDR does not work for everyone!
4:30 i finally have an excuse to take acting lessons
Oil up I’ll be there by 5
"MDMA is very sexy" I’m so glad he put it this way specifically, lol!
I don’t know how to express this mystery but God brought me here because a few days ago I said "I want to be healed without chemical drugs or pharmaceuticals or call it whatever you want… I want to be healed to the root I don’t know where this courage comes from but show me the way God" and then you appeared on the homepage after 3 years of your post
Or – you could just use Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) – Works wonders, can be done anywhere, any time – plenty of clips on youtube about it,
Healing needs knowledge ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹💔💔💔💔
About drugs like ecstasy, be careful, don’t do this on your own with street drugs. I lost a loved one from a drug overdose!! 😢
I haven’t ran in 10 years but I used to run all the time. When I’d get upset or something awful would happen from one of my abusers I’d just take off running. And I felt so freaking amazing afterwards.
I’m a shell of what I was meant to be like. I’m wasting away. Don’t go outside. Don’t talk to ppl.
My husband won’t help. He shuts me out. I don’t blame him but I need help. I need human connection desperately and I try so hard for him and do things for him that I can’t even do for myself
Don’t know how to heal but I just started outpatient
Drugs just cover the problem and bury what needs to be exposed and treated.
meh… so what ?
Finding balance between work and personal life isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity for long-term happiness
I have a lot of faith in sex. I think we’re doing it wrong. It’s the main competitor to religion. It’s a somatic and spiritual experiences, there must be more to it than just pleasure and procreation
감사합니다 ❤❤❤❤❤
Thats right…dont do it…. He was right. I was drugged at a party in 2008 that had me hospitalized for 3 days in San Antonio TX. It was in the marijuana….. Dont do it… I didnt know…Those ladies were fake friends and they were sll working class caucasion women .
Great channel for the learning community 👍
ayahuaska is supposed to be the absolut best for trauma
I need to go
Ive never done mdma, but i recommend dry needling!
Isn’t Finland very advanced in understanding trauma and proactively helping these people suffering.
I smell Dutch🤪grapje Ik weet het.
Almost everyday I get random thoughts of doom and negative thoughts. Sometimes they feel out of my control. I tried to remember a time I didn’t feel this way… and I realized that this all begin after going through domestic violence. I felt like my DV relationship was more so emotional abuse than physical abuse. Since that relationship ended I realized it was traumatizing for me a lot of things in life I didn’t heal from was traumatizing. You don’t have to go through a tragedy to be traumatized. That’s the first thing I learned. Now everyday I’ve been training my mind for the better. I notice if I entertain these thoughts I allow them to control me. So I’ve learned to replace my negative thoughts with positive … I do yoga and look up new things. I pray everyday… it’s been a month and some change since I broke it off and I confronted my trauma. Heal your nervous system and take one day at a time. Don’t let trauma control you. We will get through this!
Just finished this book. I would recommend if you experienced trauma in your childhood to check it out ☮️❤️