7 Natural Immune Boosters

7 Natural Immune Boosters

Supplements are a dime a dozen, aren’t they? And so many of them claim to strengthen the immune system.

Your body is miraculous. It has fought off 1,000 invaders so effectively you never even knew you were in danger. It keeps cancer cells, strep, staph, candida, and many other bad guys in control, every day. Some experts estimate that you develop detectable cancer four times in a lifetime, on average–but you don’t know, because your immune system takes care of it.

Your immune system is a complex, finely-balanced thing of beauty, involving many biochemical processes and organs.

Join Robyn Openshaw, the Green Smoothie Girl as she shares how she helped her daughter get well using natural immune boosters and avoided the negative effects of antibiotics.

Grab our FREE wallet card for the 7 most powerful NATURAL immune-booster and viral-killer supplements: http://bit.ly/2BXYdW1

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Check out https://greensmoothiegirl.com for more info, recipes, and Robyn’s blog!
Statements in this video have not been approved by the FDA and they are not meant to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease.


  1. @KeywordManagement on December 17, 2024 at 4:54 pm

    When I stopped taking antibiotics5-6 years ago, I stopped getting severe colds / flu.

  2. @adamson5779 on December 17, 2024 at 5:08 pm

    Having primary ingredients for increased immune functioning works relatively well at a certain age, however as you mature there are new findings that the same nutrients don’t provide same benefits to same degree. Nutrients are secondary to human health, the primary ingredients are broadcasted from the spirit as the spirit is primary. Religionist say, "God 1st in all things." The inner development of the inner man is 1st and foremost but, this only has full significance going beyond 50yrs of age. From the spirit there are supporting subatomic particles and subtle vibrational energies that renew at synergistic levels above just pure nutrients. Although, I’m not religious, but the scripture gives a hint to seek ye’ first the kingdom and it’s righteousness and all other things will be added unto you. For the mind that hath wisdom, let him expand beyond the text..

  3. @justjulie43 on December 17, 2024 at 5:21 pm

    I had surgery in April.
    I was on antibiotics for 6 weeks.
    I am trying to rebuild my gut flora.
    Very frustrated

  4. @theresaperdue2783 on December 17, 2024 at 5:22 pm

    I am to start the August Smoothie Challenge today. I can’t get the list of ingredients to shop for or the recepies. What do I do now? Can you help me please?

  5. @YVRSURF on December 17, 2024 at 5:29 pm

    The science of gut flora is really taking off , even linked to mental health and weight loss cant lose weight with bad gut flora

  6. @justjulie43 on December 17, 2024 at 5:45 pm

    I just took 10 days of intense penicillin so my flora is destroyed.
    I’m trying to rebuild my gut.
    I had emergency appendicitis so things were outside of my control.

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