12 Tips for Better Sleep Hygiene
12 Tips for Better Sleep Hygiene
Sleep is a really important component in managing mental illness, and so in this video we outline 12 tips for better sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene is behavioural and environmental habits and cues that can help to improve how much sleep you get and the quality of that sleep.
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#schizophrenia #livingwellwithschizophrenia #schizoaffectivedisorder #mentalhealth #sleep #sleephygiene
Earplugs. Soft ones.
We all text and FaceTime at night
Thanks for the helping tips on dealing with this mental condition.
Psychiatrists can give talk therapy…..or a sheet of tips that help patients….
If you are on the fence, the Discord Lauren mentioned is a wonderful resource.
As far as sleep goes, figure out if napping hurts your sleep. It really throws me off, even if the meds make me drowsy. I found that sticking to a regular schedule no matter what, eating right, avoiding stimulants and alcohol before a reasonable time, shutting everything off (I leave my phone on the other side of my room entirely), putting on 30 minutes of a podcast or audiobook after settling in to just calm down really helped. I also put on some music helps me sleep. Whether it is totally calming or busy to occupy your mind, it is worth a try. I like folk music for it, with something to concentrate on but not too busy.
I have 3 shift work so I sleep whenever I can. But I do sleep 7-8 h per 24 h. Somehow it still works out 😀
I really appreciate your videos and the work that you put into your channel, but I just wanted to say your hair looks the cutest it’s ever looked. Absolutely gorgeous! 🙂
Music can help
Taylor Daniel Allen Susan Thompson Ronald
I am 53 and have some osteoarthritis so I find it really helpful to do some light yoga stretches or light house cleaning if I wake up in the middle of the night. Also I think it helps to keep our pet cat active during the late afternoon and early evening so that he isn’t meowing and prowling around at 11pm at night. It also helps me to delay caffeine in the morning until I am totally sure I have gotten enough sleep. It’s probably better to give up caffeine entirely but the withdrawal effects can be pretty distressing.
Schizophrenia Peer Support Community: https://www.schizophreniapeersupport.com
General Mental Illness Peer Support Community: https://www.onlinepeersupport.com
I think having an evening meal really focused on having good amount of tryptophan and exercise in morning(not in evening which can fatigue adrenals and spike cortisol) really helps me in sleeping,most of the time my hallucinations kicks in when i go to bed where i see shadows moving(open and close eyes) but these two things helps me to sleep while having hallucinations i just forget about them, sometimes it gets bad when they really wake u up in ur rem sleep then i just go out take a little fresh air and go to bed again
Thanks for taking the time for this video.
revolver for Lauren and a shotgun and a browning automatic rifle modified like a stoner machinegun
All I’ll add is to lower the lighting in your bedroom 2 hours before you want to go to sleep, that helps me a lot
My heart pounds 5 mins in after closing my eyes. Sometimes I have mistakenly thought it was a mini earthquake 🥹
*watching this at 5 am*
Haha sleep like I texted this morning, ur on my dream mind and reg mind
I’m in the middle of a heat wave that has gone on for months. It is really hard because my meds aren’t even working to keep me asleep, which is rare because they usually knock me out cold. I’ve had to do strange things like bubble baths, piano music, and cleaning to keep me calm. I feel like when my sleep is disturbed my mind just goes awful and gives me constant nightmares.
I usually take water to bed with me.
Too broad labels? Does one buy into it as a young..sugestinle state…?
Meds blockin may mean less brain activity to figure out u r unnecessarily medicated..but in india…???
U seem motherly….in a capitalistic society…if u felt pressure to work…?? Unnecessarily??
Sleep Hygiene Tip: Don’t sleep with your phone next to your bed. My wife and I have always kept our phones charging in the kitchen and out of the bedroom. I find that even with DND on, the tendency to pick it up and "check" on things is much higher when its right next to you while you try to sleep.
PLEASE READ.. IT started with uncle fleeing to our house in safety in fear of tenant he evicted chasing him to kill him… But he has come face to face with him before. He made us all whisper so they wouldnt hear and layed down on the floor, and blocked all windows so no one can see through them. Then called 911. He said he heard them calling for his name eerily.. from right outside the house.
I dont know if the people are real terrorizing this house are real or if my uncle has psychosis he is going to Dr. for psychosis and is on risperidal, and has been to psych ward multiple times. Uncle say he heard a drilling noise, complained of it daily for some time, and that they installing cameras to take stuff from the house. But only stuff that isn’t noticeable. Only small stuff. He also say they try to terrorize him and deploy scare tactics. He claims they tap phones, and hack.
What if one day they break in and decide to kill us? Are they even real? It making me paranoid. For example at 4:58 AM today I heard a loud car door shut coming from my neigbhors house, saw a white car that was the same color as neighbors car, and that had a similar shape to my neighbors car.. Made me very paranoid. Any time i hear a car door shut I go outside and check if it was neigbhors in fear..
Police know very well of the situation and have recieve 4 or 5 complaints. Neigbhors also have reported suspicious cars parked, and one day I went outside late at night to get water from outside, and heard a loud whistling… Coming from a person.. I do not know if its real or fake…
Police now patrol the area daily and nightly… Still i am worried
Just took doxepin 10 and atarax50… why am I up at 12:37 am coloring God I miss sleep
I can’t sleep
I often fall asleep while hugging my cat, the purring helps me to relax 🙂 also body scan meditation and breathing exercises
I Worship The Living Holy And True GOD YAHAWAHSHI Jesus Christ ❤️👑😘🙏 Master
I love this new style of being serious and informative but also cracking some jokes now and then. You’re like a cool aunt helping me learn how to take better care of myself.
You look great!
gracias!!!!!! estoy diagnosticada con lo mismo que tu, saludos desde Colombia han sido meses duros. I would like a video about your medications and how you take them
Also try and keep the bedroom at a cool temperature. Stay away from social media, anything with blue light (phones, iPads). Eat foods that are high in potassium and tryptophan: plain yogurt, cheese, eggs walnuts, bananas pumpkin seeds, potatoes, oatmeal milk almonds turkey fatty fish etc.
Williams Cynthia Williams Amy Hall Shirley
Taylor Ronald Martin Deborah Jackson Frank
This is just another video from you that is amazing and so incredibly helpful for everyone in my opinion. I’ve had trouble sleeping my entire life so much so that it is a detriment to my health. Trying to keep your bed for only bed related things (😉) was a huge tip that I had never thought of before. Thinking about talking to the hubs about moving the TV out of the bedroom now, and I’m pretty sure he’d be on board, too. Thank you so much for all you do, truly! Life changing insights in every video.
can someone make a list …? troubled memory and too much going on my head, pls tq
Lemon 🍋 Balm tea ☕️ with cinnamon and natural honey. Also natural melatonin 20 mins before bed time.
im skizophrenic and I sleep 10 hours every day and just started with a healthy food habit. You are so right! Good sleep and food habits are improtant and it makes The difference. Thank you for The warm and informative videos it helps people like me who is struggling on Daily basis with skizophrenia. Keep it up you are awesome
Now that we are not working, I have noticed that my wife and I have developed more of a biphasic sleep pattern where we get up for a few hours at 1-3am and then fall back asleep for another four hours or so. I recently learned that this may be a more natural and effective pattern for many if not most people. At least now I don’t worry if I wake up in the middle of the night.
Block light from windows so as not to be woken up by sunlight. Cal/mag- calcium and magnesium about an hour before bed as it does make you pee. Melatonin. Eat at a time that has your stomach empty before bed and take a source of sugar just before bed such as a spoon of honey or maple syrup. Light exercise before bed. Temperature control that is comfortable for you. Herbs that can help are peppermint, lemon balm, chamomile, valerian, passionflower, lavender and lemongrass. Relaxation music. Lying in bed before the expected sleep period until relaxed with either the lights on or very dim or not on depending on what works for you then either get up and stretch a little or stay in bed until asleep.
Love the jokes! Thanks for talking on this.
*dayyydriink inseeeaaaad* lol
and the *wink*
Nice video! Great funny moments.
I am slowly but surely becoming crazy, but i am silent now yes its new meat for the really which is reminiscent of duck meat.
Really with wine leaf or comparable leaf.
anyway, i just dont know if i can be all that i wanted to be on one point… then i can be another variety. Thats alright.. guess i am a young men with a hat too.
cream and a stick. for making early creams and putting it into pants for filtering out the juices.
I wonder what you think about that (wink wink)
I’m looking forward to establishing such sleep hygiene soon. I’ve been working on days and nights shifts so there was no regularity what so ever in my sleep, also I usualy sleep only 5 hours before day shift and when I can sleep more I sleep for more than 11h, somethimes even 14-16h. I fall asleep watching suff on my phone and I stay in bed whenever I can, somethimes full day just laying around watching stuff. Now I’m changing my job to only day shifts so we shall see if I manage to make my sleeping habits a little healthier.
Do you wanna be my girlfriend ???